
Publish date 14-02-2021

by Andrea Gotico

Encouraged from all possible sides, even by those you never thought existed, you realize that the human body and mind have unknown resources that you previously thought impossible. The problems surrounding Covid are only a slice of the world's ills cake, because in a world where even Sean Connery can die, the thoughts that revolve around you are so many. You look at France and Vienna and wonder what goes into the head of those who kill thinking of doing a favor to God ... a "great" God but in need of a me to kill someone he doesn't like? Sounds really weird! It is difficult not to fall into a blind judgment, whether you desire revenge or something will have to be done!

Man's nature is as abominable as it is extraordinary and it is always a matter of daily choices. Whoever blows himself up makes a choice, and no one in the world is more convinced of goodness than he is. of his gesture; this must be acknowledged. Ironically it is living proof that we can achieve incredible results in our lives ... really do anything. Imagine if such determined men would start studying medicine. Certainly Covid would have the minutes numbered! A pity they wasted their life. My grandfather always said: «in life you can do anything you want! Precisely for this give yourself a regulation».

Andrea Gotico
NP December 2020

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