Publish date 06-01-2023
It may happen that walking in the suburban streets of Havana, the capital of Cuba, you wonder what remains of a revolution.
The answer is complex and can give rise to other questions about what remains of every inevitable change in the path that each of us takes. Life itself is a continuous change, otherwise there would be no evolution, it would not be possible to start from one point to get to another.
Walking through those streets full of history but, in their own way, immobile in time, I looked up at that interweaving of threads and I thought that our life, our changes, are just like that.
We are like that thread that begins there at the end of the road, young, beautiful and determined to get straight and taut to the other side. Then it meets another wire and has to deviate a little and then further on it has to split in two, lower to power a house, then get up and double again to generate other wires, until it is no longer identifiable.
Along the way it was not only a wire that carries electricity, but also a bird stand, a flag hook, an inspirer of revolutionary thoughts and who knows what else.
But the most extraordinary thing is that when he left, there at the end of the road, he couldn't even have imagined all this.
Roberto Cristaudo
Mind the gap
NP October 2022