Being reborn is a gift

Publish date 06-02-2021

by Max Laudadio

How many times in our life have we fallen? And how many others do we feel lost, emptied of that vital energy necessary to move forward and overcome any difficulty?
How many times do we encounter an everyday life that seems anything but benevolent to us, that comes to us hostile and devoid of any possibility of improvement?
Let's think of Covid, it has made us fragile, afraid, and this feeling of instability has wrecked all our certainties. But it's not just the virus that undermines our emotions, there are disappointments, failures, defeats, and fear.
A relative of mine felt the floor shaking under her feet when she lost everything and was forced to declare her restaurant bankrupt. Twenty employees lost their jobs and, to aggravate the already dire moment, her house collapsed due to a structural problem.
A dear friend of mine cried in despair when her husband was diagnosed with a brain tumor, certain that their journey together would end sooner than expected.
One of my collaborators, on the other hand, had to give up the dream of becoming a father after his partner had a miscarriage in the sixth week. For days they cursed their fate.
I could tell tens, hundreds, thousands of stories like these, and they would all show the same disappointment, the same feeling of emptiness, the same precariousness. But life is like that, we have to accept it, understand it, face it, live it, and most of the time even suffer.
When I pray I always ask the same thing: give me Lord the strength to accept everything you have written for me. And I do it because I believe that acceptance is the greatest achievement we can achieve.
Accepting means guaranteeing the possibility of living with serenity by declaring our weakness. But I believe that such a high goal can only be achieved if we feed a feeling that we don't always take into due consideration: hope. She is the secret of all our rebirths.
We must continue to hope despite everything and in the face of everything.
I am convinced that many of you will now wonder how you can continue to live in hope when a child dies, when a tsunami destroys everything in its path, when a man is forced to live under a bridge, when the world has decided to be content of the superfluous, making even feelings a pure commercial exchange?
It can be done! And excuse me if the quotation from the film Frankenstein Junior may seem frivolous to you for such a topic, but there is nothing more true than the meaning of these words.
It can be done, but not alone.
We must have faith in God and bring our hope back to him with the certainty that he will never leave us alone, because being born again is like being raised again.
He had to suffer, fight against gossips, undergo every possible oppression before overcoming death, and this is how he showed us the path we should take.
This is why we must resist, believe in it, commit ourselves and start again after every tribulation.
Being reborn is a gift but like all great gifts they are difficult to conquer.
We look for the Father, we talk to him, we create a life plan with him, ready to modify it if we have not understood it well, ready to start again if during his journey he forces us to some pain, ready to hope in the face of everyone or everything and without forgetting that He loves us and never leaves us alone.
It is possible to be reborn but, again, it depends only on our choices.
Max Laudadio
NP December 2020

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