Before bedtime

Publish date 02-09-2020

by Simona Carrera

In this period of emergency, children and young people were the first to have to abandon their habits, school, social contacts and on the web, initiatives to accompany them in a creative way during these long days at home have multiplied. Even the theater has tried to remain close to its young spectators: among the many initiatives we point out #lestoriedellaCasa, thirteen episodes created by the Casa del Teatro Ragazzi with stories, theatrical jokes, theatrical games available on the theater's social channels.

The evening arrives and to keep him company before falling asleep there are the Fiabe della buonanotte: the Teatrodelleapparizioni, in collaboration with Css and Teatro di Roma, for three evenings a week offers a magical moment to look out on fantastic worlds. Fondazione Aida offers some activities to have fun and stay in company: from reading advice to small theater lessons: many actors and musicians will entertain us with a series of events entitled Piccoli segreti svelati. -

Simona Carrera
NP may 2020

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