Artificial intelligence

Publish date 18-04-2024

by Redazione Sermig

There can be justified hopes and just as many justified fears: balance is achieved by always putting man, his life, his aspirations, his intrinsic dignity at the centre. Only by starting from here will any reflection have value and help us to be aware of the potential of new technologies.

In this issue we talk with the theologian Paolo Benanti and the manager Marco Landi, leading experts in Artificial Intelligence. Some excerpts from Pope Francis' message on the occasion of the 57th World Day of Peace help us to deepen the link between technological opportunities and ethics.
The synthesis is entrusted to Rinaldo Canalis of Sermig who proposes a reflection on the richness of a dialogue that is always
more intense between science and faith.

All on the same train
Turin, from the parish of Maria Regina della Pace to that of San Gioacchino, a hope for the city
A train in one of the most important streets of Turin. The traffic was blocked to let lots of children of all colors pass in their carnival costumes. Lots of rain, but also lots of joy. A parade that not only united the parishes of San Gioacchino and Maria Regina della Pace of Turin, but ideally the entire city, bringing a message of life and hope in the midst of neighborhoods that face a thousand difficulties every day.

By the editorial staff
NP March 2024

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