Andrea returns

Publish date 21-11-2021

by Renzo Agasso

Ten years of restitution. The Andrea Bocelli Foundation ( ABF, Andrea Bocelli Foundation) was born in 2011, from the artist's desire to return, at least in part, the much good received from life . By concretely helping those who have only received slaps from life. An example: Haiti, the poorest and most wretched country in the world, perpetually slapped by earthquakes, hurricanes, tropical storms, diseases, coups, horrific violence. There Andrea Bocelli and his family intervened several times, with various projects related to education, music, water and health.

Ten years of generosity, for a foundation that has diversified its business into two areas of intervention. Break the Barriers intends to "carry out projects in Italy and in developing countries which, through humanitarian aid, break down economic and cultural barriers and build growth opportunities for people and community". Challenges "works in the field of scientific and technological research to help people overcome the limits set by their disability", collaborating "with a team of researchers and scientists from MIT (Massachusets Institute of Technologies), to develop a technology that can help blind people to carry out daily activities in a more autonomous way ".

Why has an international artist, loved all over the globe, been helping the poor for ten years? To advertise? To clear the conscience and overcome the feelings of guilt? For some mysterious gain? Andrea Bocelli replies: "It is by faith in love and justice that we are called to build a better world than the one we have found, called to give back to the world what good we have had, so that even the most unfortunate or weakest people may have the possibility of a life full of opportunities and beauty, and so that those who deserve can find energy and real opportunities to give the best of themselves ". And he explains that helping others is a privilege that everyone should exercise with discretion and modesty.

For ten years, Andrea Bocelli and his family have been returning - supported by friends and admirers - part of what life has generously granted him. In Italy and in the world. To our earthquake victims as well as to those of Haiti. Bocelli believes in God. So faith has to do with it. And if the tree is judged by the fruits, the foundation of him has passed the test.

Renzo Agasso
NP August / September 2021

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