Also tomorrow
Publish date 15-09-2023
Tomorrow what happens to those who today we gave a piece of bread, a roof, a bed, a medicine? He will still need it
The restitution has broadened our gaze to the scenarios of the entire world. We opened ourselves up to the world, not out of greed, but by welcoming the unexpected events that gradually challenged us.
Our work has never been confined within any limits: let alone state borders. We were born as Ser.Mi.G. Youth Missionary Service in 1964 to defeat world hunger. With all our energy and little, we are continuing to try.
The restitution experienced in this way allowed us to change ourselves: little by little we shared our home lunch with many people and this changed our way of thinking and acting. Without theories: simply being at the same table. Thus the sense of hope has broadened. But tomorrow starts from here and now. If there is no here and now, the future does not start. We should be happy that through this vision of the world, giving back something of ourselves, there can be a future in other parts of the world.
It is very important to enter into this mentality especially now, we can no longer think of plundering the Earth, but of taking care of it responsibly, so as not to jeopardize the lives of tomorrow's generations.
«Due to the consumption habits of the world population - some more and many less, obviously - at the moment humanity would need 1.7 planet Earths at its disposal, to renew the resources gradually consumed » (Global Footprint Network).
We are now experiencing climate change and the resulting emergencies, systematically.
While in many regions where life was already hard, drought and other disasters are now forcing people to suffer from hunger and to emigrate to try to survive.
We are increasingly aware of the complexity of the conditions that allow life to exist and thrive, as well as their close interdependence, in an immense “system”.
We know the answers to be given.
Science and technology endow us with prodigious abilities: it is up to us to make them ours, to make them become consciousness. Make them grow and always make them instruments of life, and not banal, irresponsible, instruments of profit and power. Except that everything, as always, is simply a matter of choice. Which can change everything, overturn the otherwise definitive drift. Choose now, without ifs or buts.
Peace yes and I'll start; says a Sermig slogan.
Saving resources, donating to those who don't have, not wasting, welcoming, applying new and good practices that technology makes available to us, become personal commitments to pursue. Moral commitments; but also in our interest. It suits us! The Re.Te. method has always been used in Sermig. (Technological Restitution) plans to organize interventions, such as those in "Third World" areas, in which decisions are made together with the people, with local communities, a true defense against the arrogance of the rich.
The choice of poverty, frugality and essentiality with a view to restitution, aided by science, can reverse this situation.
«Live simply so that everyone can simply live!»
For this reason, the projects are always aimed at the integral development of people: not only material, but also spiritual. We operate for free, with a view to restitution and reciprocity: I help you help yourself. Let's not divide the world into rich and poor: we must all experience the "globalization of love". The projects must be as replicable as possible, favoring interventions that support new or consolidated work opportunities to give people dignity, access to food and primary goods for people.
The ultimate objective is to trigger a multiplier process in which the poor help other poor people, because "no man is so poor as to have nothing to bring, no man is so rich as to have nothing to receive" (Helder Camara).
In fact, we believe that, beyond economic resources, people can and must give back their large or small wealth of human, technical, professional and managerial knowledge.
Rinaldo Canalis
SPECIAL: An Arsenal that speaks
NP June / July 2023