A pact for the future

Publish date 09-10-2023

by Sandro Calvani

Multilateral solutions for a better world

Major global shocks in recent years, including the Covid pandemic, the war in Ukraine and the triple planetary crisis (climate change, greenhouse gas pollution in the atmosphere and severe loss of biodiversity), among others, have put our international institutions are put to the test. The unity of all humanity around shared principles and common goals is crucial and urgent. Building on the 2023 Sustainable Development Goals Summit, Member States will consider ways to lay the foundations for more effective global cooperation that can address today's challenges and new threats in the future.

Areas of action and reform. Member States will decide the outcome of the Future Summit, but the Secretary General has outlined an ambitious agenda for their consideration. These are further elaborated in Our Common Agenda Policy Briefs.

1. Taking the future into account: fulfilling the commitment made towards future generations;

2. Respond better to global shocks: Put in place a stronger international response program for complex global shocks;

3. Meaningfully include young people in global decision-making;

4. Measure human progress more effectively: agree on effective metrics on well-being, debt relief, concessional financing and international cooperation;

5. Agree on a vision of digital technology as a driver of human progress, delivering full benefits while minimizing potential harm;

6. Strive for integrity in public information: create an information ecosystem (particularly online) that is inclusive and safe for all;

7. Reform the international financial architecture: to ensure that it delivers more effective and equitable outcomes for all and in particular for the Global South;

8. Promote the peaceful and sustainable use of outer space;

9. Agree on a new agenda for peace: update international understanding and tools for peacekeeping;

10. Transforming education: making a fundamental shift towards education for peace, development and global citizenship;

11. UN 2.0: Adapting UN core practices on data, communications, innovation, strategic foresight, performance and results evaluation.

  The UN Summit of the Future (September 2023) is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to strengthen cooperation on critical challenges and fill gaps in global governance, reaffirm existing commitments, including the Sustainable Development Goals and the UN Charter, and move towards a reinvigorated multilateral system that is better positioned to have a positive impact on the lives of humanity

Sandro Calvani

NP Agosto Settembre 2023

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