A new world is possible

Publish date 21-03-2023

by Corrado Avagnina

The horizon is one of those that don't let you breathe well, on the contrary. We are impressed by what happens in Ukraine in the heart of winter, with entire populations in the cold and in the dark, under attack by missiles and drones, with no prospects of respite even at Christmas and New Year's.

The images of Pope Francis in tears remain in the mind, with a lump in his throat, in front of the statue of the Immaculate Conception, invoking glimmers of peace that are brutally extinguished by the crackling of weapons. From Iran we receive news of unheard-of atrocities by a fundamentalist regime that tramples on people's basic rights and attacks young people and women, trying to silence their desire for freedom and dignity, practicing a barbaric repression. Azar Karimi, at the Religious Information Service engaged with the Associations of young Iranians residing in Italy, earnestly asks for constant attention: «The world must know what it is happening in these hours in Iran». Also because the ruthless war of the ayatollahs is aimed precisely at those who spread information about a protest that does not stop. And the world, even here, seems helpless in the face of horror.

And in the meantime, the European dream of a united continent, in solidarity and imbued with human and social values, has to deal not only with much parochial resistance, but also with the toxic ballast of the "Qatargate". A web of personalities linked to the European Parliament who – according to the ongoing investigations – would have lent their side to assorted corruptions to produce distortions, interested in influencing Brussels' political choices. There will be clarity. Another deadly blow to the precious value of politics for the common good, which even democracies seem to struggle to pursue and keep up. On this front too, despondency can take hold.

But as men and women of good will, as believers who do not lose their bearings, as witnesses of "a new world" that is possible ... we are called to hold up the irrepressible lamp of spending ourselves for the humanity, above all when it flounders, stumbles, gets lost... We are asked for the courage of that motto dear to Don Milani (among other things, it is a hundred years since his birth) which still smacks of prophecy today: "I care", I I involve, I'm interested, I'm in the game, I put myself on the line… It's the path to take! There are no other shortcuts.

Corrado Avagnina
NP January 2023

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