A great little gift
Publish date 01-02-2024
In this period here at the Arsenale dell'Incontro we are meeting all the parents of the children and young people who attend us, to try to involve them as much as possible in the educational path and also share with them the dream and the project of the Arsenale.
A few weeks ago we invited the parents of the new members, proposing an individual interview with the educators and therapists and then a meeting together with us. That morning one of the dads comes into the switchboard with a tired face. His work clothes and hands show the signs of a life that is not spared. In a kind but determined tone he tells us: «I came for the meetings, but I'm in a hurry, I have to go to work! Let me sign the papers that need to be signed and then I'll go." With patience - but equally determined - we tell him that, although we understand his hurry, we needed him to give us an extra moment that morning, doing the individual interview and then stopping at the meeting. We add that it was not for us who asked him, but for his son, who needs the service he receives here to be completed at home, in daily life. Luckily there was only about ten minutes left until the start of the meeting and so, after some resistance, this dad is convinced to stay. We lose sight of him among the other parents while, in front of around fifty mums and dads, we talk about the dream of the Arsenale, the desire to be home together, the importance of everyone giving their contribution and doing their part, because only in this way can this truly be everyone's home. Let's say that perhaps someone among them has talents that they can share and put at service, even through their own profession: if there were electricians, plumbers, carpenters, these could contribute to a small part of the maintenance work, if someone was expert in agriculture or gardening or cooking could give us a hand in the workshops... At the end of the meeting that dad returns to the switchboard, his face is no longer tired and his eyes are shining. He tells us: «Thank you for insisting I stop by for the meeting, it was really nice. I never thought I would have the opportunity to do something for you, but now I realized that I can! I'm a painter, whatever you need to paint, count on me, really, I care! It was probably the first time that he saw the possibility of making a gift for someone in the effort of his work.
A few days later one of the drivers comes to inform us that one of our buses absolutely needs to be repainted, but the work costs a lot... We ask him to try calling his painter father who happily accepts: we buy the materials, he give away the work. When he returns the shiny bus back to us, he asks us to take a photo: he will keep it as a reminder of this great little gift that made him happy. We tell him that, when he looks at it, he always feels our thanks, because the gift he has given us is truly precious, and also that of all our little ones, who now, thanks to him, have a bus that looks new! It is clear that he is proud of it... then he adds: «Thank you for the care you have for my son Amir. What I did was the least."
From that day on, the joy in this man's eyes every time he returns to the Arsenal with Amir makes us understand that actually helping us made him happy. And above all it helped him feel "at home" among us. We would like this to be the spirit with which we prepare for this year's Christmas, now upon us. Once again it will be a difficult Christmas, which for many will be marked by suffering and war. But we have the opportunity to make it a great little gift for someone. We have the opportunity to make people feel that life makes us "at home" among us. Then it will be Christmas. For them and for us. Because once again we will see first-hand together that light cancels out darkness. Always.
La Fraternità del Sermig in Giordania
NP Dicembre 2023