27 years of Arsenal from Esperança
Publish date 09-06-2023
Ernesto Olivero and his great friend Dom Luciano were able to look at this facade (and the rest of the house) with the heart of God.
Thus began an adventure in which, thanks to God and many friends and benefactors, it was possible to welcome more than 71,000 people in 27 years of uninterrupted work.
And may the dream and commitment continue...
We go there as missionaries
Sermig means Youth Missionary Service, that is, young missionaries who perform a service, and now this is done in a very concrete way. It is the first time that we can say that Sermig realizes his name in a profound sense, because he is capable of sending his young people as missionaries to serve, to help. Helping has a very deep Christian meaning, as a Jesuit it is a word that is very dear to me, because it is the first word that Saint Ignatius of Loyola spoke in his spiritual life.
He said: I have to help others. This was his calling.
And the Sermig group that is leaving is a group that goes to help, to bring this help as a service of fraternity, that goes to bear the fruit of the spirituality of Sermig in the form of a service that will be done in many ways.
You can imagine my joy at being here, I never thought the Lord would grant me the opportunity to be present on this occasion; for me it was a great delicacy of the Lord to be able to witness this fact; my joy is great, not only because I love each one of you personally, but also because Sermig all has become one of my loves.
We are therefore sure that the Lord loves each of us and we make this awareness concrete in the fact that he makes us share this event, an event that has historical value.
Thirty years later a new fact takes place in the history of Sermig: one day you will be able to say: we have not only sent parcels, planes full of tons of food, we have not only sent messages, money, people to preach, but we left to share with others the same things we experience here in Italy. We remain united in the depth of love that the Lord has for all of us.
By the editorial team
NP March 2023