A good world

Publish date 22-09-2020

by Domenico Agasso

"God created the world good, beautiful, but after sin the world is marked by evil and corruption". Therefore, the Lord “could intervene to judge the world, destroy evil and punish sinners. Instead, he loves the world, despite its sins; he loves each of us even when we make mistakes ». Pope Francis affirms this at the Angelus in St. Peter's Square on 7 June.

The Lord "created the world good, beautiful, but after sin the world is marked by evil and corruption, we men and women are sinners"; therefore God "could intervene to judge the world, to destroy evil and punish sinners.

Instead, He loves the world, despite its sins; God loves each one of us even when we make mistakes and turn away from him ». Bergoglio explains that "the action of the three divine Persons - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - is all a single plan of love that saves humanity and the world: it is a plan of salvation for us". Francis emphasizes: "God the Father loves the world so much that, to save it, he gives what is most precious to him: his only begotten Son, who gives his life for men, rises, returns to the Father and sends the Spirit together with him. Holy". On the day of the feast of the Most Holy Trinity, the pope says: "The Trinity is therefore Love, all at the service of the world, which it wants to save and recreate".

On this day "let us think of God's love, and it would be nice if we felt loved: God loves me, this is today's sentiment". Today's anniversary “invites us to let ourselves be fascinated again by the beauty of God; beauty, goodness and inexhaustible truth. But also, beauty, goodness and truth, humble, close, who became flesh to enter our life, our history, my history, of each of us, so that every man and woman can meet her and have eternal life " . And this is "faith, welcoming God-Love who gives himself in Christ, makes us move in the Holy Spirit: letting ourselves be encountered by him and trusting him. This is the Christian life: love, seeking God, and he seeks us first. ".

Domenico Agasso Jr
NP June / July 2020

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