A good Samaritan

Publish date 19-06-2022

by Annamaria Gobbato

Modena, February 21, 1944. Dearest unforgettable wife, in this supreme moment lived together I send this last greeting to you, who have always been the reason for my life. Excuse me; forgive others also in the name of the Lord.

Good Samaritans exist, every historical period has seen their names and actions. One of these in particular offers the occasion for their appearance: the very sad last years of the Second World War. In Italy there is a civil war, "normality" belongs to the past. Alfonso Paltrinieri, father of 5 children, is the son of emigrants who made a little fortune in Argentina, and once they return they help him set up a dairy. The dark times arrived and 1944 found Italy divided in two: the north invaded by the Germans and the south freed by the allies. Near the Paltrinieri plant there is a farm where soldiers escaped from the regime's prison camps take refuge. Alfonso gives them a hand to escape to the south. However, it happens that among them there are English prisoners, often wounded. One of these is discovered and reported to the Nazi-fascists.

As an immediate consequence, Paltrinieri and another "Samaritan" from Modena, the optician Arturo Anderlini, are arrested and shot after a farce trial, while Alfonso's wife, Ines, is sentenced to 24 years in prison . Here the greatness of this Christian emerges: not only does he forgive those who betrayed and killed him, but on the eve of his execution he demands that his son Ernesto do the same: he gave to keep. Then he added: "If you find out who spied on us and you don't forgive them, you are not worthy to be my son." And in all likelihood we have known who it was who denounced us. But what could I do? How can I fail in the commitment made with my father? ". Good blood does not lie.

Annamaria Gobbato
NP February 2022

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