Zero relapse

Publish date 22-05-2024

by Chiara Genisio

"Zero recidivism", this is the inspiration for the agreement signed between the CNEL and the National Guarantor for the social and work reintegration of prisoners. Not much is known about the activities of the CNEL, the National Council of Economy and Labour, a body of constitutional importance, provided for by Article 99 of the Italian Constitution. It carries out a consultative function with respect to the government, the chambers and the regions with the power of legislative initiative; has the power to contribute to the drafting of economic and social legislation and can, among other things, formulate observations and proposals on its own initiative on the matters entrusted to it. Just like the agreement on "zero recidivism".

Considered over the years an institution of little importance, since the spring of last year, under the presidency of Renato Brunetta, it has intensified its activity. During the work of the CNEL assembly in March, in which among other things the jurist Marco Biagi, killed on 19 March 2002 by a commando of the new Red Brigades, was remembered, the document of observations and proposals was approved Memorial for the establishment of the Permanent Secretariat for the economic, social and working inclusion of people deprived of personal freedom. A choice that is part of a broader agreement drawn up with the Ministry of Justice, with the aim of increase the work of prisoners and drastically reduce recidivism, synergising resources and expertise from different administrations, employers' and trade union organizations and the third sector and systematically promoting education, training and work for prisoners inside and outside prison.

The agreement also concerns the specific area of foreign citizens under detention regime, within the framework of the activities carried out by the national body for the coordination of foreigner integration policies (onc), established at the cnel on basis of the Legislative Decree. 286/1998. Furthermore, further fields of intervention of common interest and falling within the respective competences may be included, with the aim of increasing the rehabilitation capacity, training and help for the social reintegration of the prison system and the execution of the sentence. «We have added – declares Renato Brunetta – an important piece to the prison work and training project, which we are carrying out with the Ministry of Justice. The agreement with the Guarantor is a further lever for an initiative with great social value, a win-win-win, initiative where everyone wins".

Chiara Genisio
NP April 2024

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