March docufilm

Publish date 30-06-2021

by Simona Carrera

Two new docufilms produced by the Teatro Stabile di Torino will be online in March: the first, included in the Hidden Rooms project, will be Le bestie, a story by the videomaker Lucio Fiorentino on The pleasure of honesty, a show directed and starring Valerio Binasco: a opportunity to follow the stages of this work through interviews and rehearsal footage (online starting March 5).
The second is the docufilm created by the videomakers of Frana smashing videos (Anna Cordioli and Francesco Moroni Spidalieri) and dedicated to the 10mg show entitled Sentimental chemistry, a project with a strong female connotation that sees the director Elisabetta Mazzullo and the author involved in this work. Maria Teresa Berardelli (online from 19 March).
The Laterza Publishers propose The Taking of Power a new special cycle of History Lessons: an entirely online edition scheduled from 7 March to 16 May on the AuditoriumPlus platform, ten lessons broadcast by ten Italian theaters, introduced by the writer Paolo Di Paolo.

Simona Carrera
NP March 2021

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