
Publish date 07-04-2021

by Fabio Arduini

Can imagination be a sport?
The last six letters of the word make it clear that imagining is a full-fledged activity, and the expression "using the imagination" suggests that there is a way and a way to practice it.
Certainly it needs to be trained to prevent it from atrophying: for decades there has been a mass of pre-packaged images, which offer super-luxury, self-installing and effortless pleasures.
Apparently free, only to generate unconscious mechanisms that lead to individual and / or collective unhappiness.
On the contrary, imagination is indispensable for all times.

To search for a better future, tools are needed that, without imagination, could not be found or even dared.
It is not a question of longing for the extraordinary at all costs, because the most ordinary gesture may require imagination to be performed, if you find yourself with toothache for example.
I heard it for the first time from the reflections of Gianbattista Vico through the words of a high school professor: with the imagination (and the five senses) you make poetry, because you communicate how you see life and how you ask it to be.

Fabio Arduini
NP January 2021

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