Ideal or real task?

Publish date 18-02-2022

by Ale & Eva

It is no mystery that homework is a complicated subject for most families.
Very often they become a moment in which the whole tribe ends up getting involved, and more or less everyone wonders what the level of "intervention" on the part of the parents should be, imagining very serious consequences depending on their actions.

Above all, almost everyone realizes the difference between having a splendid ideal, consistent with the most popular educational methods, and what is the reality of the homework notebook spread on the desk, which seems to look at us waiting for our reaction.
Since we do not have a proven and valid solution because we too are in the ford between the splendid ideal and real practice, here is Maria Montessori to our rescue: never help a child to carry out a task, which he is the first to believe he can face.

Ale & Eva
NP November 2021

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