Hands off Africa

Publish date 02-06-2023

by Domenico Agasso

On January 31, Pope Francis arrived in Kinshasa, capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo, a "widely plundered country", and issued a harsh warning against "economic colonialism" practiced by the richest states on the planet, an "exploitation" that has brought to its knees the continent. With this appeal, Francis begins his apostolic journey to the heart of the African continent, to Congo and then to South Sudan, where he will remain until 5 February.

In the Palais de la Nation he bluntly denounces «the poison of greed» which «has made the diamonds bloodied, the luminous beauty of this land». The Pontiff says he is "happy to be in this land so beautiful, vast and luxuriant, which embraces the equatorial forest to the north, plateaus and tree-lined savannahs in the center and south, hills, mountains, volcanoes and lakes to the east, other large waters, with the Congo River meeting the ocean». It is a region in which "history has not been generous: tormented by war, it continues to suffer conflict and forced migration within its borders. This diaphragm of Africa, hit by violence like a punch in the stomach, has long seemed breathless".
Bergoglio speaks of a "forgotten genocide", arguing that "we cannot get used to the blood that has been flowing for decades, reaping millions of deaths".
And then for the Pope it is "tragic that these places still suffer from forms of exploitation. After the political one, an equally enslaving “economic colonialism” was unleashed». Thus the country "is unable to benefit from its immense resources". It is a "drama in front of which the more advanced world often closes its eyes, ears and mouth". Therefore the Pope exclaims "hands off the Democratic Republic of Congo!"; and he shouts "stop suffocating Africa: it is not a mine to be exploited or a soil to be plundered".

At the same time, the Pontiff invites local authorities to put themselves at the service of the people, avoiding "corruption and injustice". Because many of the abuses are related to the management of natural resources, especially diamonds and coltan for mobile phones.
So the Pope exhorts us not to let ourselves be "manipulated or bought by those who want to keep the country in violence, to exploit it and do shameful business: this only leads to death and misery". Francis also calls for “the promotion of free, transparent and credible elections; extend participation in peace processes to women, youth and marginalized groups; take care of the many displaced people and refugees". He also warns against "tribalism.
Obstinately siding with one's ethnic group or for particular interests, fueling spirals of hatred and violence, works to the detriment of everyone".

Dominic0 Agasso
NP March 2023

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