Since October 1998, with more than 13.145 registered presences, Sermig shelter for women has been working within the Arsenal of Peace. It offers clean and safe spaces in which to stay from 4pm to 8am, dinner and breakfast, a laundry and a job orientation service to lone women, both Italian and foreign, without a home, in difficult financial situations or looking for a job.
Then, we also added a residential service for women with the most delicate personal situations: pregnant women or women with children; elder, ill and abused women; or women with mental disorders. We wanted to take care of all those situations that, for whatever reason, could not be handled by local social services.
We created a new area with equipped shared spaces in which to host those most fragile women. This area is located in the last pavilion of the ex military arsenal. It now hosts 37 women, providing to them:
- a night shelter, from 4pm to 8am, for seventeen lone women with en-suite rooms for two, three, four or six people;
- a residential service for twenty women, either lone or with children, with double or triple en-suite rooms.
Both types of accommodation offer shared spaces: a laundry, a canteen, a tv area, a living room, a play area for children and a kitchen.
Our aim is to support whoever is living a difficult and delicate moment, performing concrete actions to avoid that this situation of need becomes their normality. We also believe that the active participation to our community life of the person who is being helped is fundamental.
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