
Per i sogni non paghi un soldo

Publish date 16-11-2020

by Fabrizio Floris In Our magazine "Nuovo Progetto" Our magazine "Nuovo Progetto"

Change Change Change

Publish date 15-11-2020

by Andrea Gotico In Our magazine "Nuovo Progetto" Our magazine "Nuovo Progetto"

In the night of Palermo

Publish date 13-11-2020

by Renzo Agasso In Our magazine "Nuovo Progetto" Our magazine "Nuovo Progetto"

The 5 x 1000 changes

Publish date 11-11-2020

by Stefano Caredda In Our magazine "Nuovo Progetto" Our magazine "Nuovo Progetto"

Covid life

Publish date 10-11-2020

by Pierluigi Conzo In Our magazine "Nuovo Progetto" Our magazine "Nuovo Progetto"

November 9: Feast of the dedication of the Lateran Basilica

Publish date 09-11-2020

by dom Luciano Mendes de Almeida In Arsenal of Peace Arsenal of Peace

Alexanderplatz - September light

Publish date 09-11-2020

by Redazione Sermig In Our magazine "Nuovo Progetto" Our magazine "Nuovo Progetto"

Giorgio La Pira, the prophet who taught to "hope against all hope".

Publish date 08-11-2020

by Redazione Sermig In Arsenal of Peace Arsenal of Peace

We are the others

Publish date 08-11-2020

by Matteo Spicuglia In Our magazine "Nuovo Progetto" Our magazine "Nuovo Progetto"

From the ground up

Publish date 07-11-2020

by Corrado Avagnina In Our magazine "Nuovo Progetto" Our magazine "Nuovo Progetto"

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