The footsteps of Rugina

Publish date 01-06-2021

by Arsenale dell’Incontro

On January 4th, Rugina, one of the most faithful volunteers of the Arsenale dell'Incontro, moved to Cielo. We had met her at the beginning of our presence in Madaba, when she and her husband of hers came to meet us.

After that visit she told us that once she retired she would come to help us as a volunteer, and she kept her word. Over the years you have shared your time and her skills with us for free with great continuity.
She came at least once or twice a week, while her children were at school, she was available to help in what she needed, ready to welcome with us any new need that she knocked on the door. Think of the summer of 2015, when in a few days we organized daily activities together for the smallest children of the Iraqi refugee families who had just arrived in Madaba. Think of the dozens and dozens of times we called her in the evening because the next morning we needed a sudden help, and the answer was always "Yes, I am!". We think of the girls in the professional training program with whom he shared the secrets of her delicious cuisine and who thanks to her learned to cook, but above all they felt loved and valued.

Rugina was always there ... she She always had a good look for everyone and so, quite simply, she did so much good. You have helped and supported us; you loved the children and young people with disabilities of the Arsenale; she impressed the teachers with her commitment, so much so that she was considered by all to be an important part of our family; she has been able to involve her husband and her children in her service, many times they too have come to help us and have always participated in the important moments in the life of the Arsenale. We have a big thank you in our hearts for the life of Rugina, for her fidelity, for having believed with us to the full in the value of serving the little ones, living naturally the "freely you have received, freely give" (Mt 10,8 ). Ever since she found out she was sick we have always prayed for her to heal her and she, as long as she had her strength, continued to come and give us a hand.

We now know that we have a responsibility to continue to do all the good we can, including on behalf of her. And it was very nice to see that we are not the only ones to feel this responsibility: her family immediately told us that she wants to continue to help us as Rugina did. The teachers stressed the importance of collecting her inheritance from her, the girls who cooked with her - after an initial moment of sadness - went back to cooking together (online from their homes). These are the first fruits of a life spent for the Good.

Arsenal of the Encounter
NP February 2021

Ora sappiamo di avere la responsabilità di continuare a fare tutto il bene che possiamo, anche a nome suo. Ed è stato molto bello vedere che non siamo le sole a sentire questa responsabilità: la sua famiglia ci ha subito detto che desidera continuare ad aiutarci come faceva Rugina. Gli insegnanti hanno sottolineato l'importanza di raccogliere la sua eredità, le ragazze che cucinavano con lei – dopo un primo momento di tristezza – si sono rimesse a cucinare insieme (in collegamento online dalle loro case). Sono questi i primi frutti di una vita spesa per il Bene.

Arsenale dell'Incontro
NP febbraio 2021

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