The Word that welcomes
Publish date 21-01-2022
On 21 September 2011 at the Arsenal of Hope (Brazil) we received the WYD Cross and Icon. To welcome those precious symbols, which arrived late in the evening, we had thought of wrapping them with the reading of the Word of God. Throughout the night, 120 readers took turns reading the four Gospels.
After that first vigil of the continuous reading of the Word, in the month of September (which in Brazil is the month dedicated to the Word of God), in the following years we continued this initiative which saw many friends and friends alternate in reading. Even in the past two years, despite the pandemic, we have continued to read Holy Scripture. We have reached the 11th edition with the Letter to the Galatians read by our friends in various places of the Arsenal who have continued to welcome, during these long months of pandemic, all those who knock on the doors of the Arsenal and who have joined us in prayer.
Once again it was a very important moment that put the Word of God at the center of our day, which gives even more meaning to everything that is done every day within the walls of that "Antiga Hospedaria dos Imigrantes".
Gianfranco Melino
NP October 2021