Something beautiful

Publish date 04-11-2022

by Maria Claudia Brunello

«I decided to start volunteering at Sermig because, especially after two years of the pandemic, I felt the need to take action and help make this world better.

I started by coming to help package aid for Ukraine, because I wanted to be useful in the face of the drama of the war. In short, assets began to run low and there was no longer a need to continue the business. I decided to keep coming because volunteering makes me feel good, both because of the welcoming atmosphere that is created during the activities, and because in some way it makes me feel useful.
As if for an instant it is no longer just a piece of a cog in the system, but something more, something beautiful ».

This is Giulia, a girl from the Monti di Chieri high school. There is so much to study, yet a group has organized itself with the help of the teacher who accompanies them and they come every week. At first there were many, up to 70 people at the same time, then fewer and fewer, but in this way you can look into each other's eyes, you get to know each other. The aim is not only to help a country in difficulty but to educate our hearts to make room for others, to give the young people of the area the opportunity to have a place to spend themselves and build something beautiful first of all to build themselves as something beautiful.

Even those who come only for a day of service are struck by the beauty of the hermitage but this beauty is not accidental: it is the result of many struggling hands.
After sweating under the sun to clear the weeds from the flowerbed and help us transform a piece of the world, some guys leave all the rubbish on the ground and then it seems that they have not understood anything, yet what everyone says is that they were impressed by the beauty and the desire to do. Perhaps they have not yet sufficiently experienced that behind something beautiful there is always a person who is committed and that that beautiful person can be them.
The Arsenale dell'Armonia is increasingly becoming a place where many young people can feel something beautiful.

Maria Claudia Brunello
Arsenal of Harmony
NP June / July 2022

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