Suspended ticket

Publish date 03-03-2023

by Mauro Tabasso

There are customs - some now obsolete - which once had a great human meaning, and consisted of gestures of solidarity, sharing, social cohesion. Like the beor of fire, for example: an ardent tizzone that those who had turned on the stove at more morning times leaned with an iron palette to the neighbors or condominiums that had risen later. In this way their hearth would have turned on before and would spare the matches.

An act that cost little, but that someone would have simplified the day, giving him a little good humor, human warmth as well as physical. Another similar custom is the typically Neapolitan one - still practiced, even if rarely - of suspended coffee. Ordering one, you receive an espresso, but two of them pay, the second of which remains there, paid and ready to be consumed at a simple request for wayfarers, passers -by, less fortunate fellow villagers, who will still be able to taste their refreshment drink, and comfort Not only the body but also the heart.

Small attention that someone cost little but that for others can be worth so much, more than the same coffee or the match. And it is precisely inspired by the suspended coffee that to the friends of Lingotto Musica, one of the most important musical associations in Turin, the idea of launching the "suspended ticket" campaign, with which we will try together to raise funds destined to pay the Inputs to concerts for passionate people and lovers of great live music that they temporarily do not have the opportunity to enjoy these shows. Now, a ticket does not cost as much as a luxury clock, however the balance of many families has long been suffering constant cuts to the items that are not strictly indispensable such as rent, food, school books. I have said it many other times: the music does not feed, I do not quench their thirst, it does not heat, but nourishes parts of the body that we often do not even remember that we have, and it takes care of it by arousing great and beautiful emotions.

Our friends of Lingotto Musica have asked us, in addition to joining and becoming their partner in this campaign, also to identify the beneficiaries of the precious tickets that we will be able to buy, which we will do with the utmost diligence and the utmost responsibility. Giving a concert represents an extraordinary gift. Music opens people's hearts, makes them hear, respected, welcomed, even loved. That's why we are enthusiastic about this project, because we believe that even small but significant gestures can help men continue to hope, to keep light on in their hearts.
Paraphrasing René Descartes, I can say that I hope, so I exist. You do not live only bread; Every now and then it also takes a good coffee, which some kind soul offers us precisely in the hope of making us happy, so that our joy can in turn be shared. -

Mauro Tabasso
NP December 2022

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