Beethoven X

Publish date 23-11-2023

by Mauro Tabasso

Artificial intelligence applied to music

The A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) is the ability of a machine to emulate human intelligence. At its base, human intervention is necessary which plans and defines the objectives. Engineers, inventors, musicians and musicologists together completed Beethoven's Unfinished Symphony thanks to artificial intelligence, as part of the project born in 2021 and called Beethoven X.

During the Italian Tech Week event, hosted again this year in Turin in the evocative space of the Officine Grandi Riparazioni - three days of meetings, debates, interviews, workshops, in which it is possible to listen to the experiences of the protagonists of innovation - Wednesday 27 September our Orchestra of the Laboratorio del Suono-Sermig Arsenale della Pace performed exclusively - the first ever performance in Italy - an extract of the two movements created by the A.I. to integrate the notes left by Beethoven for his Tenth Symphony.

A splendid example of how A.I. and human intelligence can together achieve a sensational result. His two movements (III and IV) are the example of a realization that smacks of beauty, of human, technical and artistic greatness, of dreams of cosmic, infinite dimensions.

Mauro Tabasso

NP Ottobre 2023

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