The books of dialogue

Publish date 15-08-2022

by Aurora

The little girl who did not know how to hate

by Lidia Maksymowicz

with Paolo Rodari

Solferino, 2022

Lidia was three years old when she entered the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp with her mother. And she for thirteen months she survived in that hell, in the children's shack: one of the little "guinea pigs" of Dr. Mengele's experiments. Her mother had joined the Belarusian Resistance from her earliest days and had decided to go underground in opposition to Nazi barbarism. The forests of Belarus are the last light that Lidia remembers, before the darkness of Auschwitz.

From which she comes out in January 1945, after her release, by the hand of a woman who is not her mother: a Polish, childless, who decides to adopt one of the "orphans" left alone in a field strewn with corpses.

Lidia grows up with her. But she doesn't forget her real mother. She doesn't stop believing she's alive, looking for her. And in a story that she knows of a miracle she will find her again.





Titanic - Shipwreck or change of course for the liberal order

by Vittorio Emanuele Parsi

The Mill, 2022

The International Liberal Order is a project that intended to harmonize state sovereignty and the market economy, through the promotion of liberal democracy internally and support for economic and commercial cooperation on an international level.

Since the 1980s, the OIL has been hijacked and the power of the market has clouded the strength of democracy.

The goal of protecting national societies from the shocks of wars and financial crises has turned around in the fanatical defense of the global market. The imbalance caused by the pandemic, the warming globalization, inequality, the rise of authoritarian powers, the drama of migration and the terrorist threat, are challenges that we can only overcome if we find a different balance between cooperation and competition, to make our own solid, inclusive, equitable and attractive market democracies.


Aurora Antonucci

NP Aprile 2022

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