Happy 33 years later

Publish date 26-09-2023

by Carlo Nesti

It is good for sport to see a city that, after 33 years, wins a football championship, and makes those who often, for social reasons, cannot be happy. In Naples, we know, the memory of Diego Armando Maradona is equivalent to a tribute to a "divinity". We Catholics strive to reduce this feeling, transforming it into a simple and genuine act of love. Under Vesuvius let prayers flourish, without the need for... "mani de Dios". IN LOVE

The university basketball championship (college) in the United States has a great history, given that it can be considered a breeding sector of the colossal NBA. We like to remember that, 60 years ago, Loyola, a Jesuit-based team, triumphed and was the first to field African-American players. Think about how much this "ecclesiastical enlightenment" contributed to the subsequent development of the discipline, on a human and professional level. BLESSED

BROMARD The Taliban prohibit Afghan girls from studying after the age of 12, attending university, working, playing sports, and even going out for a walk in a park. Yet, Sadia Bromand, a 27-year-old female boxer, who fled her homeland to Germany 3 and a half years ago, still dreams of representing her country at the Olympics. Her tattoos amount to motivations: “Nothing is impossible,” “Yes, I can,” “Fly,” “Freedom,” and “Smile.” HEROIC

News of rare nobility of spirit continues to arrive from fencing. In the Italian epee final, in Vercelli, Gaia Tarditi was leading 12-9 against Emilia Rossatti, when an injury stopped her. Emilia's comeback, and the verdict reversed? No, because Rossatti, with an exceptional gesture of fair play, stopped and retired. It is said, sometimes overused, "these are things that are good for sport", but this time it is exactly like that. ALTRUISTIC

On the fields of Coverciano, considered the temple of Italian football, 380 boys and girls met, accompanied by 700 adults including coaches and players. Together, they animated the second edition of the Junior Cup, organized by the AIC for the First Kicks and Pulcini categories. No yellow and red cards, but only blue cards, to reward the most technical gesture, and green cards, to reward the most correct gesture. ACADEMIC

NBA star Giannis Antetokounmpo, after a stinging defeat, taught a lesson to those who spoke to him about a "failure season": «Some days are good, others less so. You don't always win, others win too. You work, however, with a goal. If you don't get a promotion for your job every year, then is that year considered a failure? No, because it is a step towards success." INSTRUCTIVE

The thirty-eighth edition of Vivicittà, the race for rights, organized by UISP, which took place in many Italian cities, from northern to southern Italy, has reached its thirty-eighth edition. Rights also have their own hierarchy, and this year the first right was the right to peace, more than a year after the start of the war in Ukraine. Immediately after, the environment, the right to clean air, and green spaces for active lifestyles. The UISP has been sensitive to the call since the days of Run for the Green. SOLIDARITY

Carlo Nesti
NP June / July 2023

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