A world of words

Publish date 28-06-2023

by Corrado Avagnina

Complicated times, as never before. In which, among the many knots to untie, one also comes across pressing confusions, day after day. Starting from that overflowing inability or unwillingness to listen to the other. Ending in deafening incommunicability. Precisely in situations in which speeches, comments, jokes, replies are spreading… on the net. Sbroccando on multiple occasions. In short, you don't listen too much, and then you let everything that passes from the keyboard overflow, without hesitation.

Screamed words, over the top words, little thought words, words that offend, words that obscure the horizon, words that taste of inhumanity and indifference, words of those who flicker to an insulting degree… It is sad to have to come to terms with all these disappointing and painful words. It seems that the worst is never touched, because there are always those who still find a word that hurts even more. Perhaps we are getting used to this raging of free-flowing words, as if there were no more brakes of any kind. Technology, with all that it allows online, leaves prairies for the so-called "keyboard lions". And so clumsy words hold court, touching or even exceeding the boundaries of decency and the lawful, even incurring criminal implications. And perhaps many do not feel it or do not realize it. It seems that everything that crosses your mind can end up in unrestrained words, relaunched without worrying about the poison or mud they contain and which they scatter wildly.

It is now a brazen emergence of this unhealthy world of wrong words, posted in the multiplier of social networks, no longer worrying if there is any truth, if the dignity of others is hurt, if one screams into a funnel of nonsense… In short, it is a world of words that is drowning us a bit, without us noticing the red line. It is probable that the potential of the web has caught unprepared or naive, in managing these media opportunities with awareness, respect, intellectual honesty, ethical hesitations... Unfortunately, we need to do a serious examination of conscience on this. And maybe speeding up the times, because it's falling a bit, ending up in disconcerting drifts.

They are truly days in which to listen to a Word that gives us hope, in the midst of so many other words that lead nowhere. A Word with a capital "P". It's the one that doesn't age and doesn't deceive. It is the one that challenges us from the Bible, page after page. And that in view of Easter resonates abundant and targeted. There is only to be treasured now. And even our sometimes disordered words will be able to find an embankment, indeed they will be able to be healed.

Corrado Avagnina
NP April 2023

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