License to love

Publish date 01-01-2025

by Arsenale dell’Incontro

At the end of August we received recognition from the Ministry of Social Development for the Arsenale dell'Incontro as a "Day Center for the inclusion of people with disabilities". We are officially authorized to simultaneously welcome up to 300 people with any type of disability, of any age and for any educational, therapeutic and inclusion-promoting activity. This allows us to continue to carry out all the services we offer and also opens the way to all the future developments that the Lord reserves for us...

This is a permit that comes after five years in which we have waited for the release of the new law that provides for and regulates this type of center. Long and at times very difficult years because we could not see the end point; at some point we feared that this passage would never materialize... We lived them in faith, in the certainty that the Lord would continue to keep the roads open so that our presence could continue in fidelity to the initial intuition and the Arsenal could fully maintain its appearance as a welcoming home. Like the people of Israel in the desert, in many situations we have truly received the "manna" for that day every day (Exodus 16), sometimes not even the abundance of manna but just the bare minimum necessary... with no certainties for tomorrow other than that the Lord would never abandon his little ones and not even us!

Today we thank the Lord together for this gift and also for the way in which it arrived, which encourages us and tells us once again that we must never be afraid to walk with faith in the direction that He indicates to us even when the road is uphill or seems to close in front of us instead of opening...

On August 6, the feast of the Transfiguration, we received the inspection visit of the ministry. The atmosphere was very cordial, and at the end of the visit the director of the department of the ministry for services to people with disabilities (who wanted to come in person to see the Arsenale after having heard a lot about it) said in front of all of us and the entire commission present that he confirmed the granting of the license right away. He thanked us very much, because at the Arsenale he had already seen realized what he had in mind when writing the new law for day centers for inclusion... and maybe even more. He told us that we are the first non-governmental center in all of Jordan to receive this license and we will be held up as an example for all those who want to receive it. The feeling was that everyone saw and was amazed by the prophecy of the Arsenale dell'Incontro. And that everyone was happy to be there. It was truly moving. In an instant we went from being such a large reality that we did not fit into the expected parameters to becoming a reference in the path of inclusion that Jordan is implementing for people with disabilities. And when we thanked them we heard the answer: "It is not you who have to thank us, but we who have to say thank you, for everything you do, for how you do it, for the care and generosity you offer, for the atmosphere that is breathed here".

On August 21, 2024 (which for our Fraternity is a significant date) the license officially arrived (and the coincidence has placed this gift directly in the roots of our history). It was a day to remember, a day to give thanks. Knowing well that it is not a day, but the fruit of the daily faithfulness of over 20 years of presence here in Jordan and 60 years of Sermig.

To God and to everyone who has made and makes possible every day the miracle of this arsenal and the Arsenals, thank you! Let us entrust together this new stretch of the journey, asking together with strength that the Spirit continues to lead.

The Brotherhood of Sermig in Jordan
NP October 2024

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