
Civic capital

Publish date 30-09-2020

by Pierluigi Conzo In Our magazine "Nuovo Progetto" Our magazine "Nuovo Progetto"

Those of 2000

Publish date 29-09-2020

by Matteo Spicuglia In Our magazine "Nuovo Progetto" Our magazine "Nuovo Progetto"

Gli intoccabili

Publish date 28-09-2020

by Corrado Avagnina In Our magazine "Nuovo Progetto" Our magazine "Nuovo Progetto"

Bread and wine

Publish date 26-09-2020

by Flaminia Morandi In Our magazine "Nuovo Progetto" Our magazine "Nuovo Progetto"

Godfrey and the others

Publish date 20-09-2020

by Maria Claudia Brunello

Meeting the future

Publish date 19-09-2020

by Rinaldo Canalis In Re.Te. technology sharing Re.Te. technology sharing

Le case di Maria nel mondo

Publish date 19-09-2020

by Roberto Lerda

Fate quello che vi dirà

Publish date 18-09-2020

by Cesare Nosiglia

Young people who make the news: you can start from them again

Publish date 16-09-2020

by Chiara Vitali In Our magazine "Nuovo Progetto" Our magazine "Nuovo Progetto"

There is always a first time

Publish date 15-09-2020

by Mauro Palombo In Re.Te. technology sharing Re.Te. technology sharing

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