Listening to Ezekiel

Publish date 31-12-2024

by Arsenale della Speranza - S.Paolo

14th edition of the Continuous Reading of the Word at the Arsenal of Hope

On Friday, September 27, the Fraternity of Hope that inhabits the Arsenal of San Paolo in Brazil promoted the fourteenth edition of the Vigil of Continuous Reading of the Word which, every year, offers everyone the opportunity to read and listen to the Word of God.

The book of Ezekiel was read, which the National Episcopal Conference (CNBB) has chosen for 2024, with the motto "I will make my Spirit enter you, and you will live again" (cf. Ez 37:14) and which helped us reflect on his prophecies of hope: the heart of flesh and the bones that live again as examples of the new life that God wants to give to his people and to the entire world, beyond every desert and aridity.

During the night of the 27th, listening to the entire book of Ezekiel, which at first glance may seem very dense, complicated and far from our reality, we tried to understand what it says to each of us. The beauty of the temple described by Ezekiel, the beauty of God's dream made us question ourselves: what am I doing so that this new life of God reaches everyone and can revive our neighbors, our cities?

The evening began with a moment of welcome in which our theater group, together with the boys of the Parish of Casaluce, staged chapter 37 of Ezekiel, representing the dry bones that come back to life, the heart of flesh that beats and reaches the city to give it life and light it with a new hope.
After this first moment, everyone was invited to gather around the pulpit, to listen to the Word of God. Almost 75 readers of all ages and from the most diverse backgrounds, took turns for 5 hours full of the Word and Presence of God. Once again, thank you for the gift of the Word prayed together!

The Fraternity of Sermig in Brazil
NP October 2024

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