
Covid-19 in San Paolo, the Sermig alongside the poor and homeless

Publish date 31-07-2020

by Redazione Sermig In Arsenal of Hope Arsenal of Hope


Publish date 30-07-2020

by Valentina Turinetto In Our magazine "Nuovo Progetto" Our magazine "Nuovo Progetto"

From the quarantine

Publish date 30-07-2020

by Andrea Gotico In Our magazine "Nuovo Progetto" Our magazine "Nuovo Progetto"


Publish date 30-07-2020

by Corrado Avagnina In Our magazine "Nuovo Progetto" Our magazine "Nuovo Progetto"

The unexpected will change us

Publish date 29-07-2020

by Gabriella Delpero In Our magazine "Nuovo Progetto" Our magazine "Nuovo Progetto"

On the right side

Publish date 25-07-2020

by Matteo Spicuglia In Our magazine "Nuovo Progetto" Our magazine "Nuovo Progetto"


Publish date 18-07-2020

by Arsenale della Piazza In Arsenal of Peace Arsenal of Peace

Giugno / Luglio - Coraggio di ricominciare

Publish date 06-07-2020

by Redazione Sermig In Il Manifesto Il Manifesto

Lettera di padre Ibrahim Alsabagh

Publish date 05-07-2020

by Redazione Sermig In Arsenal of Peace Arsenal of Peace

Bergamo: Io ho pianto con voi

Publish date 29-06-2020

by Redazione Sermig In Arsenal of Peace Arsenal of Peace

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