The gifts of truth

Publish date 24-04-2022

by Ale & Eva

The relationship with the truth is complicated, learning it is not a linear path, there are times when the effort is great, in a family you know! The truth forces you to deal with what you don't like, it makes you compare with what you would like to hide to preserve a certain image of yourself, it requires you to look at the less pleasant things in the face through the eyes of others who look at you. Between parents and children, things get complicated due to mutual expectations, so difficult to cancel. After all these tiring exercises, however, the truth gives the esteem for having been able to face fatigue and difficulties. It makes us discover that friendships based on truth are deeper because they carry within the germ of wanting and being loved in an integral way, all inclusive. It gives the security of those who, having nothing to hide, feel freer because nothing is hidden from others. Esteem, friendship, security, freedom. A guardian parent, a guarded child know this.

Eva & Ale
NP January 2022

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