
Publish date 05-04-2023

by Stefano Ravizza

I assume you've heard of the metaverse. A virtual world where users can interact in an immersive way, using technologies such as virtual reality or augmented reality.

In this virtual world, users can create digital versions of themselves and interact with other users in a similar way as they would in real life. The metaverse certainly has many positive aspects, such as the ability to create opportunities for learning and enjoyment in a safe and controlled way or to provide platforms for creative expression and collaboration.

But it can also lead to a sort of "isolation" from reality, making us live too long in a virtual world rather than in real life. This could lead us to a loss of contact with reality and with others, a reduction in real social interactions and an increase in addiction to the virtual world. Each technology has pros and cons, it is better to use it carefully and in small doses.

Stefano Ravizza
NP January 2023

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