I know
Publish date 08-12-2024
Luca, what do you know? I know that the more you know, the more you suffer. I know that you can't live without love. I know that you can't live without a job. I know that you can't live without relationships. I know that you can't live without friends. I know that at the end of the day you have to say: "I did something today." I know that you have to be recognized as a person. I know that everyone has to be valued. I know that there is a need for trust in others. I know that if you are depressed, you turn the anger of an injustice suffered against yourself. I know that if you are depressed, you are always sleepy. I know that if you are depressed, you can't get up in the morning and you can't sleep at night. I know that if you are depressed, you isolate yourself because you are afraid of transmitting your illness to others. I know that there are people who get sick. I know that there are neighborhoods that depress. I know that pain has no tomorrow. I know that drift is a political perspective. I know that sadness in the suburbs is a right.
So when did you get lost? Was it a sudden day or did it come slowly? When did you stop trusting yourself? When did you lose hope in others? When did the inner light go out? When did the vital drive turn against you like an autoimmune disease? When did the fight become exhausting to the point of corroding your character? Why did your eyes stop looking at the beautiful and become cross-eyed observers of evil? Why didn't you transform pain into change, but turned it against yourself? Why did you stop believing you were loved? When did you fall and stop getting up? When did you break down the sense of guilt instead of breaking down yourself? Why did you decide to survive life? When did you postpone everything to an indefinite tomorrow? Why did you decide to immerse yourself in history when everything around you asks you to emerge? Why did you decide to intertwine your personal political destiny with those who are sinking? Why didn't you understand that diving implies the risk of sinking?
In the end, do you know what you missed? Needs? No, the door. The door that didn't open in front of those questions. Or rather, the need, which is always one, always the same: to be welcomed. Because being seen is what changes everything, what makes you serene and confident towards life, towards others, towards yourself. As Roy Chen writes: «If sometimes we can't heal the psyche, we can at least take a deep breath together». I know that a hug stops the current: I know it and I have proof.
Fabrizio Floris
NP October 2024