Shared life

The choice of being part of our community,

with a particular consecration to God

and the commitment to the three evangelical counsels,

may have a different meaning

for each person.

Those who have a vocation

to a consecrated life,

after a period of discernment,

start to live within the community,

divided in two families,

one for men and one for women.

Their path

lasts at least six years,

during which they dedicate to the study

of the Holy Scriptures and theology.

They live thanks to their work

within the Arsenal and outside.

They are all searching for the humble holiness of love.

They are all searching for obedience

to learn to live

according to the plans of God.

In some particular cases,

according to the permission of the supervisors,

some people can live their consecration

within their own families.

In our brotherhood,

those who have a vocation for priesthood,

after their theological studies,

ask to be ordained

at the service of the community

and its gift.

Our community is a space

in which the chosen commitment lasts forever

and, when real, it is possible

thanks to the presence of God.


«And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life.» (Matthew 19, 29).

Comment by Rosanna Tabasso


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