Signs of hope

Publish date 08-10-2021

by Arsenale dell’Incontro

A very special thing has happened to us in this time. We have many dreams for the future of the Arsenale dell'Incontro, in particular we have long desired to be able to expand the services we offer in a direction of ever greater inclusion through the strengthening of recreational and sports activities and the professional training path. For several years we have been sharing these dreams with all the people we meet, because to become reality, dreams must also cross with Providence.

A few weeks ago we received an unexpected phone call from an international organization to which we had told about our dream. They tell us that they are ready to build us now a multifunctional pitch and an area with a galvanized cover for outdoor activities. Now? This was the first thought ... it seems paradoxical that in a time when everything is closed and still we are asked to build. After all, we still don't have certainties. We hope to see the end of the pandemic, but we are still in it. We do not know when and how we will be able to return to welcome the children and young people who frequent the Arsenale.
Even less if you will be able to carry out activities in the summer and which ones. Yet we build.

Carrying what is happening to us in our hearts and also seeing the reactions of those who saw the work begin, we quickly understood that we had to leave aside our hesitations because what we are given is to be a sign of hope. Building to say that we believe that light continues to be stronger than dark. Building already anticipating the joy of children and young people who, returning to the Arsenale after a long time, will find it even more beautiful, with something new made especially for them. Building already seeing all young people who, through sport and playful activities, will meet with our children and with the Arsenale. Building by sharing with those who have dreamed with us for many years the thrill of seeing that - after a long wait - a dream takes shape and comes true. Building with so much gratitude for Providence that does not abandon us, even in a moment like this.

Following the works, the thought often returns that all this is a bit surreal, but it's only a moment. A moment later we roll up our sleeves to continue living our daily fidelity to this story. In the awareness that fidelity has been and is the only real fertilizer for dreams to grow and come true and for Providence to use us as she likes to give a sign of hope in this difficult time.

Meeting Point Arsenal
NP May 2021

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